TN Immigrant Minority Business Group is the fastest growing minority business group in middle, TN (TIMBG.org)

Panelist Speakers:

  • US Congressman John Rose (TN-6)
  • David Ingram, Chairman, Ingram Entertainment Inc.
  • Maj. Gen. William Hickman, US Army Retired, and SeniorAdvisor of Compass Executives Group
  • Dr. David Black, Founder, Aegis Sciences Corporation
  • Eva Angelina Romero, Owner & CEO of Evaco Properties; CEO of Mobile Oral Surgeons
  • David Plazas, (The Tennessean), Master of Ceremonies
  • Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson
  • TN Senator Mark Pody
  • Father Ed Steiner, Priest at St. Philip Catholic Church
  • Jeff Falvo, Senior Digital Marketing Consultant at RevLocal

Food provided
$20 for non-members

Free for members
2021 Membership is $40
Apply for membership

Limited Seating
*Must RSVP at www.timbg.org
For questions contact
Alana at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 timbg forum july2021

Thurs. 7/15/21
Networking: 5:00 pm; Forum: 6:00 pm

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Nashville, 201 Crossings Pl., Antioch, TN 37013


TIMBG Board: Nelson Boren, Yousef Husseini, Pratik Chauhan, Kip Dodson, Mike Fair, Alana Grimaud, Zheng Huang, John Mickner (COO), Austin Niravong, Tony Roberts, Brian Shun, Kayla Sanders, JanaTruman, Dr. Ming Wang (President and co-founder)

Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group

2021 Spring Quarterly Forum

5/20/21 Thurs 6pm-8pm (in-person)
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Nashville, 201 Crossings Pl., Antioch, TN 37013

Food provided
Admission is $20 for non-members (free for members)
2021 calendar year membership is $40 (free admission for all four forums of 2021)
Apply for Membership

John Mickner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Brian Shun, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

“Going around the room” self introduction

Presentation/discussion: Reframing Your Collaboration Game

How are you listening to the voices of those around you and what they are saying?
Hosted by Curiosity Continuum founders Brian Shun and Josh LaGrew
Special Guest Appearance by John Dunavan, CEO Peer-Tree

Joined by the Panel: Smart people you may or may not have heard of yet, but will not forget them once you meet them. Attendance rewards the curious!

TIMBG board:
Nelson Boren, Pratik Chauhan, Kip Dodson, Mike Fair, Alana Grimaud, Zheng Huang, Yousef
Husseini, John Mickner (COO), Austin Niravong, Tony Roberts, Kayla Sanders, Brian Shun,
Jana Truman, Ming Wang (president and co-founder)

Partner chambers:

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Nashville, 201 Crossings Pl., Antioch, TN, 37013
Tennessee American-Chinese Chamber of Commerce ( www.tac3.org )

Tennessee Chinese Chamber of Commerce ( www.tccc.us )

TIMBG was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Galen Hull in 2013
TCCC was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Qiang Wu in 2007
www.TIMBG.org, www.tccc.us, and www.diverseculturalevents.com


You are cordially invited to a Virtual Coffee Club and Networking Meeting of TIMBG on February 18, 2021. Make sure you have your favorite coffee brewing and be prepared to share who you are, what you do and how you can help TIMBG with your services. This is for paid members and their guests only, so if your membership is paid up, please feel free to invite a guest to learn more about TIMBG and share their services and talents.

Topic: TIMBG Virtual Coffee Club and Networking

Time: Feb 18, 2021 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 392 641 3745
Passcode: 2021
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,3926413745# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 392 641 3745

Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group

2020 Winter Quarterly Forum

11/12/20 Thurs 6pm-8pm

Join Zoom Meeting


For info: John Mickner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Networking and introduction of all participants

Panel discussion

Legal issues important immigrant and minority businesses

Moderator: Russell Morgan

Panelists: Russ Cook, David Lucas, Jatin Shah, Vivien Wang, Craig Webb

 TIMBG board:

Nelson Boren, Pratik Chauhan, Kip Dodson, Mike Fair, Alana Grimaud, Zheng Huang, John Mickner (COO), Austin Niravong, Tony Roberts, Brian Shun, Jana Truman, Ming Wang (President and co-founder)

Partner chambers:
Tennessee American-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (www.tac3.org), and
Tennessee Chinese Chamber of Commerce (www.tccc.us)

TIMBG was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Galen Hull in 2013 for immigrant and minority businesses.

TCCC was co-founded by Drs. Ming Wang and Qiang Wu in 2007 to promote U.S. – China trade.

www.TIMBG.org, www.tccc.us and www.diverseculturalevents.com